Понуди за Kairaba Mythos Palace 5*

Kairaba Mythos Palace 5*

Крф \ Грција

Опис :

Nestled amid serene verdant landscapes and an azure coastline, Kairaba Mythos Palace beckons as an exquisite getaway. This exclusive adults-only, 5-star retreat in Corfu, Greece, pays homage to Empress Sophia Zoe Palaiologina, reflecting the island's rich legacy. Adorned with Greek, Roman, and Byzantine influences, it boasts the world's largest collection of non-religious mosaics.

House Rules

Dress code
Pet policy
People with special needs


WiFi in common areas
WiFi in rooms

Food And Beverages

A la carte restaurant
Meals served (buffet)


ATM (nearby)
Car & bike rental
Doctor (upon request)
Exchange office (nearby)
Reception (24-hour front desk)
Shops (nearby)


Umbrellas and beach sets
Beach towel service
Body and face treatments (with charge)
Daytime animation (Yoga, Aqua-aerobics)
Evening animation
Organized beach
Swimming pool (3 Pools)
SPA & Wellness center (with charge)
Tennis court
Watersports (with charge)

Kairaba Mythos Palace, 5*



Booking Window: 17/05/2024-30/05/2024

Stay Dates: 21/05/2024-01/06/2024 & 29/09/2024-03/11/2024 

All Available Room Types

15% Discount

Stay Dates: 14/07/2024-22/09/2024 

All Available Room Types

10% Discount

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