Понуди за Blue Dolphin 4*

First Minute






Blue Dolphin 4*

Халкидики \ Грција

Опис :

Set amidst Mediterranean gardens, Blue Dolphin is a lovely, safe and modern 4-star hotel, offering the highest level of services.

House Rules

Dress code
People with special needs


WiFi in common areas
WiFi in rooms

Food And Beverages

A la carte restaurant (Bistro restaurant/ Taverna Akatos)
Bars (pool bar/snack bar)
Meals served (buffet)


Basketball court
Umbrellas and beach sets (free of charge, sunbeds reservations not allowed)
Beach towel service (with charge, towels 1,5euro per day)
Body and face treatments (with charge)
Separate children pool
Daytime animation
Evening animation
Organized beach
Swimming pool (Pools are heated from May to June and from September to October)
SPA & Wellness center (with charge)
Tennis court (with charge)
Watersports (with charge)


ATM (nearby at Metamorfosi)
Car & bike rental (on front desk)
Doctor (on call)
Parking (outdoor parking)
Reception (24 hours front desk)
Shops (minimarket)


Children animation (in several languages)
Children's playground
Mini club (for kids 4-12 years of age)

Лето 2024 - Регуларна